Sale Barn Marketplace
Antiques & Appraisals

1733 Highway 183 - Phillipsburg, KS 67661
(785) 540 - 4248
4,500 sq ft. of displays  from
Vendors, Consignors and Estate Sales

April 15th  to  October 31st
Tues. Wed. Thur. 1 pm  - 6pm
Fri. & Sat. 10a - 6pm

Other hrs. & Sundays by Chance or Appoinment! 

CLOSED :   Nov. 1st to Mid-April
See You next Summer


Tuesday June 3rd, 2025   6 pm

Call to Reserve seating

Total Capacity 32 ! 

Discussion topics will include:

** Collecting Advertising Items

** Re-purposing Primitives

** Mid-Century Jewelry Desingers

Victorian > Art Deco > Mid-Century
Tuesday Social Club 

High Tea Event

Examples of items you can find @  S.B.M.! 
Saturday May 3rd, 2025

Noon - 3pm

Mother's & Daughters Welcomed
12yrs. and up

Casual / Semi Formal / Gloves optional
No Jeans! 

Games Prizes & Fashionable Hats! 
Antique Appraising
Personal Propety Appraiser

Single Items or Estate

PACC Member
Tuesday Social : Topic

Until Tuesday June 3rd, 2025

Follow Facebook posts for Topics 
Gallery Items for 2025
New Arrivals.....
Old Doors! Vintage Furniture
Decortive lamps
We don't maintain an online store. However, during season you can order items from the Gallery.   Use the Contact page.  We'll send you an Invoice, via our PayPal portal. Domestic Shipping Only.     
Thank you...we appreciate your business.
Vintage Jewelry, Morano Glass, Fenton, Pyrex, Fire King, Small Collectibles, Vintage Framed Art, Linens & Sewing Vinyl Records, Vintage Dolls, Vintage Books, Enamelware, shop & farm tools, Vintage China, Silverware, Furniture, Depression Glass and More! 
What will you find @ S.B.M.
We're in the Middle of America!